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25 Ideas for Dad’s special day

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Sometimes, the best gift Dad could ask for is some time with his family. PHOTO: UNSPLASH/NATASHA IVANCHIC
Sometimes, the best gift Dad could ask for is some time with his family. PHOTO: UNSPLASH/NATASHA IVANCHIC

Celebrating Father’s Day in lockdown presents new challenges, but with a little imagination, you can still show Dad how much he means to you.

  1. Breakfast in Bed
    Whip up a hearty breakfast while Dad sleeps in. There’s no better way for him to start the day than with breakfast in bed.
  2. I Love You Because …
    Dad knows you love him, but sometimes it’s nice to be reminded. Write down all the reasons you love him and present him with your lists over breakfast.
  3. Reading Time
    With a busy lifestyle, sometimes there’s nothing better than drinking a fresh cup of coffee while enjoying a good book, a magazine or the Sunday paper. Set aside some time for Dad to have some quiet, stress-free reading time.
  4. Take Him on a Holiday at Home
    Travel is off the cards at the moment, but you can still give him a taste of adventure by cooking him a meal from his favourite holiday destination. Whether it’s authentic spaghetti bolognese with a glass of Italian wine or a spicy Thai curry and some local beer, it’ll be like having a holiday at home.
  5. Shoot Some Hoops
    You paid good money for that basketball hoop in the driveway, so don’t just let it rust. Get dribbling! If Dad’s not a basketball guy, try kicking around a soccer ball or play a spot of cricket.

    Make Dad even happier by letting him play grill master.
    Make Dad even happier by letting him play grill master.
  6. Pray a Decade of the Rosary Specifically for your Father’s Intentions
    Find a quiet prayer place where you can pray alone or join together with your brothers and sisters, make the sign of the cross and thank God for the gift of your father or grandfather. Petition God on their behalf and for his specific personal intentions. Make a small note and leave it for your Dad in a place where he will find it telling him that you prayed for his special intentions.
  7. Car Wash
    Guys take pride in their cars, but being there for the family doesn’t always leave enough time to care for their pride and joy, so surprise Dad by hand washing his car.
  8. Write Down Something Awesome He’s Taught You
    What’s one lesson your father taught you that you’ll never forget? You probably have several. Write them into a beautiful card or letter to create a gift from the heart that Dad — and you — will always treasure.
  9. Cut The Grass
    Try mowing the lawn – it won’t cost you anything but your time, and it takes a huge load off Dad’s shoulders.
  10. Coffee Covered
    Despite being in lockdown, support local business and nail your Dad’s day gift by organising a week or month’s-worth of pre-paid take-away coffees.

    Ask your father, if he is OK with you saying a special prayer for him for Father’s Day. Photo: CNS, Nancy Phelan Wiechec
    Ask your father, if he is OK with you saying a special prayer for him for Father’s Day. Photo: CNS, Nancy Phelan Wiechec
  11. The Gift of Time
    Sometimes, the best gift Dad could ask for is some time with his family. Everyone has such busy lifestyles, but while we are all stuck at home give him the gift of time, the most precious gift there is, and he’ll appreciate the effort everyone makes to spend some time as a family on Father’s Day.
  12. Play a Board Game
    The best thing about childhood is the games we played, be it Ludo or Monopoly, they always bring back memories for all. So, try to recreate some of this fun on Father’s Day and involve the whole family in it, just let Dad pick the games.
  13. Write a Personalised Prayer
    Find out who your Dad’s favourite Saints are and if he doesn’t have any you can always choose some yourself! Write a prayer which asks these Saints to help your Dad in a number of special ways. By learning more about these Saints, you will find out about the special ways in which they can help your Dad in the everyday moments of life. Give this personal prayer card to your Dad on Father’s Day making sure that the card looks like it took time and effort to make. If it has cost you time and effort, he will be sure to keep it for life!
  14. Make His Favourite Meal
    Ok, you might have to spend a little bit of money on this one if you don’t have the ingredients already but whipping together Dad’s favourite dinner will make him feel special and loved.
  15. Have a ‘Remember When’ session
    Sit down and do some old-fashioned reminiscing — even if all the stories he wants to bring up are the embarrassing ones from when you were a toddler and you’ve heard them a million times.

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    What’s one lesson your father taught you that you’ll never forget? You probably have several. Write them into a beautiful card or letter to create a gift from the heart that Dad — and you — will always treasure.
    What’s one lesson your father taught you that you’ll never forget? You probably have several. Write them into a beautiful card or letter to create a gift from the heart that Dad — and you — will always treasure.
  16. TV Remote Dibs
    If your family always fights over who gets the remote, give Dad a break and let him have dibs on it. He can sit back, relax and watch whatever he chooses all day long. As an added bonus, kids can be on snack patrol.
  17. Watch the Game
    Even if footy isn’t your thing, it’ll mean the world to Dad if you take the time to sit down and watch his favourite sport with him. Throw in some popcorn as a bonus.
  18. Picnic at Home
    Nothing beats a classic picnic. Try packing a picnic basket with some of his favourite homemade goodies, like banana bread, a coffee flask, or even some local cheese and beer, and enjoy some quality family time. Lay your rug in the backyard or on the living-room floor, it’ll feel like a fun little family outing, without needing to leave the house.
  19. Quiet Time
    Moments of peace and quiet are such a rarity for Dad in the hustle and bustle of today’s busy world even when we are all stuck indoors. Let everyone take a deep breath and have some quiet time for reading, relaxing or meditating. You can still make it family time, just with the volume turned down.
  20. Home-Made Vouchers
    We may not be able to go out right now, but that doesn’t mean we can’t plan some fun outings for when lockdown lifts. Write Dad some vouchers he can redeem anytime, whether that’s a promise to go mini-golfing with him or take him to his favourite cafe for brunch, or vouchers for household tasks like doing the dishes or walking the dog. No matter how big or small the gesture, he’s sure to appreciate it.

    Moments of peace and quiet are such a rarity for Dad in the hustle and bustle of today’s busy world even when we are all stuck indoors.. Photo: James Howe
    Moments of peace and quiet are such a rarity for Dad in the hustle and bustle of today’s busy world even when we are all stuck indoors.. Photo: James Howe
  21. Man Spa Day
    Spa gifts aren’t just for Mum. Stressed out Dads deserve a little pampering, too. Light some candles, draw a bath, and pour a glass of his favourite wine. He’ll love an excuse to take a load off and relax in a warm bubble bath.
  22. Screen His Go-To Movie
    Find out his all-time favourite flick and let him watch it uninterrupted.
  23. Fire Up the Barbecue
    No matter what’s in your fridge, it’s going to be awesome when you barbecue it. Make Dad even happier by letting him play grill master — just set up everything for him ahead of time. He might complain about how hard he’s working, but you know deep down he loves the chance to get behind the barbie.
  24. Ask Dad if you can say a prayer for him
    Remember you have a special place in your Dad’s heart and can ask him things that no one else in the world can. Ask your father, if he is OK with you saying a special prayer for him for Father’s Day. If he says yes, start by asking him if there is a special intention which he might like you to pray for. With this information, place you hand on his head and pray something similar to this:
    “Heavenly Father, I ask you to bless my Dad today. Thank you for the gift of his life and love. I ask that you help him most especially with… (here mention his intention). Grant him this dear Lord. I ask this in Jesus’ name and through the intercession of St Joseph and Mother Mary. Amen.”
  25. Father’s Day Name Poem
    “F” is for “Fantastic,” “A” is for “Awesome,” etc. Have each of the kids create a Father’s Day name poem.
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