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Tag: Life Marriage and Family

Parents urged to make voices heard at NSW porn inquiry

Parents are urged to make their voices heard at a New South Wales parliamentary inquiry on the damaging effects of pornography on the mental, emotional and physical health of children and young people.

“Accidental parenting” over in age of gender confusion, says men’s expert...

Fatherhood is more complex than ever, so Robert Falzon, menALIVE founder, is back to give his “power points” to help men raise thriving kids.

Families the face of the new kingdom in Sydney

A sacramental network gathering of sacramental coordinators, catechists and family educators has expressed kids and families are returning to church, but there’s more to be done in the realm of Evangelisation in Sydney.

For Hazel Lim, evangelisation came with her wedding vows

From a young age, Hazel Lim felt a call to evangelise others. There was one person she desired to reach most: her Buddhist husband, Meng. Their story shows how gentleness and unconditional love are powerful means of evangelisation, themes Hazel will share at the 3 August Parish Renewal Conference. Book your tickets now.

Fertility Awareness — more than just charting

While the Church’s teaching on marriage has remained consistent throughout time, fertility awareness developed significantly in the past 50 years — let's take a look.

New Catholics, new families, new initiatives for life in 2023

In 2023, the Life, Marriage and Family (LMF) team in the Sydney Centre for Evangelisation celebrated the dignity of life and families.

A blessing for mums and mums-to-be

Over 200 glowing expectant mums and hopeful mums-to-be took a rare pause at the Archdiocese of Sydney’s annual Mass for Expectant Mothers.

A millennium of loving marriage

More than a thousand families and friends celebrated the significant anniversaries of 60 couples at St Mary’s Cathedral on 22 October—over 1000 total years of marriage!

Married couples called to recall and renew their love

Sneha Saverimuttu, 38, and her husband and Mario, 36, married in 2019 after long years of “holding on for the Catholic spouse” but their early life together hasn’t been as they hoped. At the time she met her husband Mrs Saverimuttu was grieving her father, who died unexpectedly on a family holiday aged 59.

Baptism resource to bring sacrament alive

The Sydney Centre for Evangelisation (SCE) has produced a landmark new resource on the sacrament of baptism, highlighting the central part it plays in the life of Christians and helping Catholics and non-Catholics alike in answering some common questions they may have about it.

Camino of St Joseph draws nearly five hundred

They set off as strangers but arrived as brothers. More than 450 men hit the streets of Sydney for the Camino of St Joseph 2023 last weekend, an overnight pilgrimage in honour of the patron saint of fathers.

RCIA candidates declare their intent to become Catholic

If Christianity is supposed to be of less and less interest to modern people and less and less relevant to modern life, someone had...
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