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Tag: Easter

Melto D’Moronoyo: Women as Messengers of the Resurrection.

Presently, in the Maronite Church we are celebrating the season of the Resurrection. This is a wonderful time to reflect on the role and...

The Answer to Ayla’s prayer

When Ayla Casey asked for a sign to let her know God is real, she didn’t expect it to be an actual sign. Early in...

Somascan parishes enter into Easter with Passion

“If anyone has hurt us, if we think anyone owes us something, if we think anyone has done us wrong, Christ is ready to pay that debt in full,” said Somascan Religious Fr Chris de Sousa CRS to a crowded St Christopher’s parish in Holsworthy at the Veneration of the Cross on Friday 15 April.

Monica Doumit: the wonder of being there

After four decades on Earth, Monica Doumit gets inspired by Jordan Peterson and shares her own 'twelve rules for life'

Small ways to make your Triddum more holy

Nobody told me it was Holy Week this week! And so I didn't know. I totally did it to myself. I usually feel so terrible about spending Holy Week ...

Bishop Antoine Tarabay: The first Easter in Jerusalem.

The Feast of Easter is the one celebration where the Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church announces, in the voice of her sons and daughters, that Christ rose from the dead, that He truly rose.

Dallas McInerney: Titles matter, Mr Editor

This week, in full self-praise mode, the Editor of the Sydney Morning Herald announced a change to its publishing practices: “the Herald is dropping honorifics.”

Celebrating Christ’s Passion through Art

In a great display of public evangelisation, St Paul of the Cross primary school in Dulwich Hill is hosting a landmark art display throughout...

Mark Shea: So what’s the point of fasting?

Part 4 of Mark's series of reflections on Lent We now move on in our Lenten series to discuss the third of the Jewish acts...

Philippa Martyr: A ‘lame’ Lent, redeemed

Easter remains holy, no matter how we failed this Lent I had a rather lame Lent. I don’t know what I expected, given that I...

Francine and Byron Pirola: A love stronger than death

Biblical poems offer insights on human and divine love “Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for love...

Easter is light amid a crisis for believers, Archbishop tells worshippers

Jesus dies, the disciples are scattered, everything seems lost - that's the experience of Easter. But something beyond imagining is almost upon us with the dawning of the Resurrection
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