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Tag: Coronavirus

Thousands view English milestone

More than half a million people watched an online broadcast of England's re-dedication to Mary.

Pope warns of potential for ‘viral genocide’

Pope praises countries that accept economic setbacks to save lives, issues stark message for others.

What is a plenary indulgence?

By God's grace, participation in a prayer or action that has an indulgence attached to it brings about the necessary restoration and reparation without the suffering that would normally accompany it.

Archbishop’s advice as restrictions tighten

Further implications outlined on the Federal Government’s two-person indoor limit rule.

Thousands join priests at Mass online

Catholics embrace the challenge to stay spiritually connected while forced physically apart.

Pope Francis is tested for the coronavirus

A total of six people at the Vatican have tested positive for COVID-19 since beginning of March.

Fr John Flader: life with the coronavirus

If we cannot attend Mass or receive Communion, that too is a sacrifice we can offer to God, in union with the many people around the world who over the centuries and at the present time, cannot attend Mass.

The Coronavirus and the Church of the future

If we look back and study the Church amid plague, we see much of what we are beginning to see now: innovative ways to serve those in need.

Cruise ships and Covid19 – compassion in a pandemic

There is a way for Australia to address this problem. It involves the use of detention centres which were established around Australia to deal with boat people coming from overseas, but which are now largely empty.

Rediscovering home in a time of pandemic

The second epidemic is destructive in other ways, even more infectious than the first disease, spreading irrational fear, blind panic and brute selfishness.

Virus is ‘not God’s punishment’

'Sometimes bad things happen to good people', as Archbishop Fisher promises support for all affected by pandemic.

Pope’s housemate sick with COVID-19

The latest to fall ill is one of four testing positive at the Vatican.
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