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Tag: Coronavirus

Seafarers have a mate in a Sister

A SYDNEY sister is working around the clock to help the thousands of exhausted sea farers caught up in the centre of the COVID-19...

Discrimination warning to protect elderly

Catholic hospitals say no patient "will be left behind" if the pandemic ramps up despite fears about the vulnerable.

Even in lockdown, St Martha keeps busy

Hope is spreading faster than a virus in Strathfield where parishioners are shining Christ's light.

Faith connection beats isolation

Young Catholics are sharing how their faith is growing despite social distancing taking a toll.

Updated: World Youth Day postponed

Restrictions have also forced the World Meeting of Families back until 2022.

Pope warns of danger in online Masses

Pope Francis says he accepted a "scolding" by an unnamed bishop over livestreamed Mass

Italian bishops discuss resuming public masses, funerals

As the Italian government makes plans for a gradual return to normality after the COVID-19 pandemic, representatives of the country's bishops' conference are meeting...

This time is a test we can embrace

Happy Easter, dear friends. In so many ways, it doesn’t really feel like Easter. We haven’t been able to participate in the Easter Triduum...

Pope Francis calls for a ‘contagion’ of Easter hope

"Indifference, self-centeredness, division and forgetfulness are not words we want to hear at this time," he said. Yet, "they seem to prevail when fear and death overwhelm us, that is, when we do not let the Lord Jesus triumph in our hearts and lives

Despite crisis, Christ’s resurrection overcomes all, says Archbishop at Easter

Offer this Easter celebration of the Holy Eucharist and your hunger for it, for the safety of your loved ones, yourselves and our world at this time. God is not limited by our separation

Pope establishes emergency COVID fund

New fund to help poorer communities mostly in Asia and Africa battle the pandemic.

Precious shroud to be displayed online

Archbishop of Turin announces an online exposition of what many believe is Jesus' burial cloth.
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