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Tuesday, May 7, 2024
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Loungeroom Sessions with Gary Pinto

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Check out Gary Pinto and Caritas Australia’s hit song “Walk With Me” below the article!

It was nearly 7 weeks ago that we were told to settle in for an Autumn of quarantine, and by now our Netflix options are running thin, you’re nearly out of books and Amazon is taking a little longer than usual to deliver something new. We’re preparing ourselves and our families for an eighth Saturday night at home and we’re almost out of ideas.

Luckily for us, Australian singer-songwriter, musician and all round great guy Gary Pinto is teaming up with Caritas Australia to lead a free online concert on Saturday, May 9 for Project Compassion.

“Walk With Me: Loungeroom Sessions with Gary Pinto” will see him lead an all-star music line-up of top Australian and international talent direct from their loungerooms to yours. Current names scheduled to perform include Diesel and Carmen Smith with more to be announced in the lead up.

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The Loungeroom Session concert aims not just to entertain us while we’re staying at home but to also raise money for the Project Compassion COVID-19 Appeal, providing much needed support to some of the poorest communities that are fighting to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Gary joins the Caritas team in an effort to urge thousands of school children, teachers, churches and families across Australia during this challenging time, to stand in solidarity with those most vulnerable to COVID-19 globally and to donate what they can during Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion.

“I know it feels like an incredibly anxious time for everyone, but I remain joyful and hopeful. I think we can all use our talents and abilities to ‘Go Further, Together’ and think more outwardly,” said Gary.

“Imagine how marginalised communities are feeling – given that many are without housing, experiencing food and water shortages and a lack of health support like we have in Australia.

“Now is the time to put our faith in humanity into action. Together we can sing, together we can raise money and together we can walk alongside each other and in doing so be transformed in our own lives.”

An ARIA award-winning, multi-platinum selling record artist and former member of hit Melbourne R&B group CDB, Gary got involved with Caritas 5 months ago when he was approached on the street by a hardworking Caritas member.

Asked if he would be interested in supporting the cause, Gary jumped at the opportunity to be a part of an organisation he knew did so much good.

“Project Compassion has been a big part of my life. For as long as I can remember we had the box and it was always on my mantle piece,” said Gary.

“Project Compassion calls upon every member of our community to draw on their talents and give of themselves to those in need.

“We can use those talents, move forward and go further together.”

Gary’s first contribution to Caritas Australia’s works was to write his new song “Walk With Me,” for Caritas Australia’s 2020 Project Compassion campaign, “Go Further Together,”

To register for Lounge room Sessions with Gary Pinto, head to

which launched on Ash Wednesday before the full effects of COVID-19 had been felt around the world.

“So much change can happen through the love and concern that we can show for other people,” said Gary. “That’s what Caritas embodies.”

To donate to Project Compassion or find out more about the upcoming Loungeroom Session visit Caritas Australia’s website, or call 1800 024 413.

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