Tag: Social Justice Statement
In a fractious age, truth has become a matter of life...
This year’s Social Justice Statement, "Truth and Peace: A Gospel Word in a Violent World," comes at a time when belief, truth and goodness are coming apart, and ideologies and conspiracies rush in to fill the void. Truth claims have taken on a new gravity in our time, writes Associate Professor Joel Hodge.
We need a ceasefire from online culture wars, too
So many conflicts nowadays, both domestic and international, are started and then fuelled by information that is incorrect and, in some cases, deliberately incorrect. Peace also comes from examining our behaviour online, writes Dr Michael Walker
Action required to achieve global peace
Australia’s Catholic bishops say peace is possible if people commit to speaking the truth and redouble efforts to end war, in their 2024 Social Justice Statement, Truth and Peace: A Gospel Word in a Violent World.