Tag: Mary Mother of God
Mary, model of faith
In speaking to his own mother as ‘woman’ Christ is in fact openly acknowledging her as the fullest expression of womanhood, as the one whose openness to the grace of God has helped rectify the rejection of that grace by Eve.
Vatican Gardens host Marian pilgrimages during month of May
This May, in honour of Mary, the Vatican Gardens will allow pilgrims to take part in a special Marian pilgrimage.
Melto D’Moronoyo: In May our model is Mary
As we move closer to the end of the Month of May, also known as the Month of Mary, it is our task to...
Mary, Ukraine’s strength
Ukrainians turn to Mary to intercede for peace
Ukrainian clergy demonstrating against the war in their country have appeared in media coverage carefully holding an...
Pope ends catechesis series on St Joseph with call to action
Love and protect the life of the church, says Pope Francis
The same love that gave St Joseph the strength to protect Jesus and Mary...