Tag: Mark Shea
Forgive like Jesus
Mark Shea: Lenten Almsgiving
Equality minus justice is useless
As we have seen over the past several times in this space, Jesus meets people where they are, at their growing edge. He never expects perfection when entering into a relationship with people, but he never leaves them where he found them either. This double insistence on always welcoming those who sincerely seek him, while […]
Mark Shea: From each, according to his gifts
You may have noticed a pattern to my last few articles. We have been looking at the Catholicity of the faith: its capacity for taking all sorts of fish into the Net and not being too particular about sorting them out in this world.
Mark Shea: A truth we can comprehend
Last time in this space, we talked about how Jesus met people at their growing edge. He did this among other reasons, to provide his disciples with a model.
Mark Shea: Jesus and the Centurion
We are living in a time when many Catholics seem to be eager to exclude their fellow Catholics from access to the sacraments due to the imperfection of their grasp of doctrine, their moral life, or even their aesthetics.