Tag: Homily
Despite crisis, Christ’s resurrection overcomes all, says Archbishop at Easter
Offer this Easter celebration of the Holy Eucharist and your hunger for it, for the safety of your loved ones, yourselves and our world at this time. God is not limited by our separation
Christmas baby God shows us who we really are, says Archbishop
In the encounter with God who became a baby for us we discover our own true identity, Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP told Christmas Mass...
Fr Josh Miechels: Closer to Christ in life, closer to Christ...
Today the Lord gives a few important life tips. The first thing he says is that you’re all gonna die. That’s what happens to...
Fr Josh Miechels: Don’t forget a few key essentials
So how’s your week going? A bit up and down? As usual, that fits today’s readings, where the Lord gives us some gentle reminders...
A God so in love with us … He becomes one...
A God who is nuts
Infatuated! Drunk! Mad!
I’m not describing some embarrassing aunt at a Christmas barbecue or some creepy guy at an office party....
Archbishop’s homily: Two greatest laws are one
Sometimes Jesus seems a bit deaf. When people ask Him about fasting, rituals, family respect, punishing an adulteress, divorce, paying taxes, being born again,...