Tag: family
Travelling Mary statue visits Sydney families for more than 60 years
A statue of Mary has helped families to pray together for more than 60 years, with Our Lady often making a visit when she's most needed
Jordan’s just of one of many graced by Sisters’ legacy
New mum Corinne Tait welcomed her child Jordan Joseph Brian Tait, one of the first babies to be born in 2024.
Francine and Byron Pirola: True confessions of an Advent failure
Advent is full of opportunities for spiritual nourishment. There’s community celebrations, family gatherings and beautiful church services.
Cash-strapped Christmas cheer
With her team of Santa’s helpers, the leader of a Society of a St Vincent de Paul support created Sydney’s biggest Christmas cave
Patrick O’Shea: Gifts to grow faith without breaking the bank
It’s that time of the year again when we’re called to prepare our gifts for our loved ones for the celebration of Christmas.
Francine and Byron Pirola: Vulnerability’s risky, but criticism kills
We’ve all experienced the negative impact of criticism, especially from loved ones. Sadly, it’s been present in our marriage and family far too often.
Anthony Cleary: We need to free our kids from this ‘porndemic’
Although we live in an unprecedented information age, we are often blissfully unaware of matters that would ordinarily shock us.
More often than not, it...
Tony Farley: Let’s love, not just live, in the moment
Our lives hang by a thread and at any moment life can end. As true as this might be, for most of us life will conclude slowly, predictably and some time in a future we call old age.
Francine and Byron Pirola: The art and science of communication
We all like to think of ourselves as good communicators. Unfortunately, that usually means, “I have lots to say and I’m not afraid to say it.” That’s because a lot of people equate being talkative with good communication.
Philippa Martyr: Why do young Catholics want to follow the rules?
I’m continuing to unpack our national Catholic survey results and find out more about our group of around 700 massgoing Catholics under the age of 40., of which, 79 per cent said that their enjoyment in “taking part in the service itself and experiencing the liturgy” was a very important reason for them to go to Mass regularly.
Couple saints’ path to God through love
Many married couples think that their sexual intimacy is completely separate from their spiritual life. In fact, it is not uncommon to hear couples talk as though these two aspects of their lives are in opposition to each other—that their lovemaking is “permitted” but somehow compromises their path to holiness.
Rosary crusade called for families
Sydney Catholic Bridget Sakr is so convinced of the power of prayer she is leading a call to raise 100,000 pledges to pray a daily rosary during this month for the protection of every single Australian.