Tag: Chaplaincies
Campus is where the witness is
Catholic university chaplaincies are spaces where all students are offered friendship, community, opportunities to serve others and answers to their deepest questions in crucial...
Look to Newman and Pell: Advice for Uni Chaplains
One of Canada’s leading Catholic commentators and veteran university chaplain, Fr Raymond De Souza has urged Catholic students to draw inspiration from St John...
Uni students fuel up for spiritual battles
More than 100 students came from university campuses across Sydney for a special retreat last week.
Uni Chaplaincies build bridges with schools
Over 180 students from Trinity Catholic College in Auburn recently visited four of Sydney’s secular universities to experience a day in the life of...
Surviving and thriving at University
By Tony Mattar
The time has finally come – your child is preparing to set off for university and, as a parent, your role is...