Tag: Cardinal Pell
Melto D’ Moronoyo: The Cardinal who loved Lebanon
David Pell’s eulogy for Cardinal Pell: A good and holy man,...
“A lion of the Church”: Sydney farewells Cardinal George Pell
Cardinal Pell to be farewelled and buried in Sydney on 2...
Sydney offers Requiem Mass for “most gentle” Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
Cardinal Pell’s friends and colleagues recall his kindness and devotion
National award for Pell coverage
The devil was in the detail
Seeing the cross up close
In the third volume of his prison diaries, Cardinal Pell reveals the insights he gained into suffering Cardinal George Pell, jailed for more than a year for sex abuse crimes he ultimately was cleared of, said the experience enabled him to understand suffering as a redemptive process that allows one to identify closely with Christ. “Suffering […]
Book shatters the pretence in Pell affair
Former Prime Minister John Howard has written he “never believed” the charges against Cardinal Pell in the foreword to a new book by Sydney Institute Executive Director Gerard Henderson. The book, Cardinal Pell, the Media Pile-on and Collective Guilt, forensically dissects and analyses the near-universal hostile reporting of the case by media personalities and organisations […]
The hunting of an innocent man
Gerard Henderson’s book analysing the influences at work in Cardinal Pell’s prosecution will be published in December. Here are some excerpts Paul Barry’s ABC Media Watch Cop-Out ABC TV’s Media Watch program commenced in 1989. Since then, all its presenters have been left-of-centre journalists, including such Pell-antagonists as David Marr and Richard Ackland. Paul Barry […]