Tag: Bible
Change the world. Bring a pencil to Mass
A country where families clamour for the Word of God
Fr John Flader: The hymn of the three young men
Dear Father, I have a friend who suggests reciting the hymn of the three young men for thanksgiving after Mass. I hadn’t heard of it before but am now saying it and I find it helpful. What is the background to this prayer?
Syro-Malabar Catholics take advantage of lockdowns
While many Sydneysiders spent lockdown homeschooling children or binge-watching TV, the parishioners of Christ the King Syro-Malabar Mission, Villawood, received a mission from the Holy Spirit: handwrite the entire Bible in 40 days. Shiny Sinu, the leader of “Christ Culture” charismatic movement in Sydney, was inspired to undertake the project during prayer. “One day I […]
Mark Shea: The true beauty of justice
I am willing to bet any amount of money that nobody going before the bar, nor anybody running for judge here in the US or appointed to the bench in Australia is ever going to give their legal competence bona fides by …