In the April 12, 2017 edition of the National Catholic Register (EWTN’s official newspaper), Peter Jesserer Smith published an outstanding article outlining the inside story on the creation of the Personal Ordinariates for former Anglicans. What we effectively have here is a whole new form of the Roman Rite, that really isn’t that new at all. In fact, it’s very old, and when I say old, I mean ancient. You see, much of Divine Worship is based on the old Sarum Use, used in England prior to the Reformation. Yes, that’s right, I’m talking about a Use or Form of the Roman Rite which is actually older than the Tridentine mass.
Read the rest at Catholic in the Ozarks. More information about the Ordinariate, who worship 12pm on Sundays at St Thomas Becket Church, Lewisham, is available here.